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hat a difference a year makes, especially to the UFC heavyweight division. Just a year ago, it was thought by many that the UFC heavyweight division was the least interesting of the weight classes. In fact, the moment that Tim Sylvia defeated Andrei Arlovski for the UFC heavyweight title in April 2006, it became the UFC’s most boring division. In fact, 2 minutes and 43 seconds into that fight Arlovski went down and with it, the excitement left.

July of last year saw a rematch with Sylvia facing Arlovski again, but unlike their first two bouts this one would go the distance. It was the longest 25 minutes of my MMA watching life. Neither fighter engaged, neither landed big shots or attempted big take downs. Something had to be done, the hard core UFC fans did not want to see Arlovski Sylvia 4, and there were no other real challengers.

Something has happened since then, barely 9 months have passed and one title defense later sees the UFC’s heavyweight division as the best in the sport. The first event was the signing of Pride standout heavyweight Mirko “Cro Cop”. Mirko’s incredible striking and strong take down defense earned him recognition as one of the 5 best heavyweights in the world. It was assumed by many, including myself, that Mirko was brought in as a hired gun to end Tim Sylvia’s reign of terror and restore honor to the UFC heavyweight ranks.

Mirko may never get that chance, at least not with Tim Sylvia at the helm. As it turns out 43 year old Randy “The Natural” Couture decided to come out of retirement and challenge for the heavyweight title. While I’m not a huge Tim Sylvia fan, I did not give Randy much of a chance because of Tim’s enormous size and reach advantage, not to mention that he’s 12 or 13 years younger than Randy. Randy proved me wrong by dominating a 5 round fight. The excitement was back and Randy Couture was back on top!

UFC president Dana White was apparently not satisfied with just having a few good heavyweight fighters though, recently he’s signed Brazilian submission masters Antonio Rodrigo Nogeura and Fabricio Werdum to UFC contracts. It is unknown when “Big Nog” will get his first fight in the UFC, but we do know that Werdum is to fight former heavyweight champion Andrei Arlovski on April 21, 2007 at UFC 70 “Nations Collide”. Oh, did I forget to mention the perennial heavyweight contender Heath Herring? While Heath hasn’t looked spectacular in his first two UFC outings, he was always near the top when he fought in Japan’s Pride organization.

So, here’s how the UFC Heavyweight division stacks up as I see it:

1 Randy Couture – UFC Heavyweight Champion

2 Mirko Cro Cop – #1 contender (will get a title shot if he wins at UFC 70 against Gabriel Gonzaga)

3 Antonio Rodrigo Nogeura – #2 contender, no fights set yet.

4 Andrei Arlovski, Tim Sylvia, Fabricio Werdum are all tied for this spot as I see it.

5 Gabriel Gonzaga – if he beats Cro Cop at UFC 70 he will get a title shot.

It’s also been rumored that a win at UFC 70 by Andrei Arlovski will get him another title shot later this year.

2007 is a banner year for UFC heavyweight fans. I for one am enjoying the it.

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If you polled the average father of a girl and asked him if he would encourage his daughter to engage in hand to hand combat, nine out of ten times the father would probably say “no way Jose!” Thus, it’s no surprise that a extremely tiny quantity of mother and father are willing to enroll their daughters in any of the martial arts. Certainly, whilst participation of women in martial artistry (this kind of as judo, tae kwan do, or karate) is on the rise, it is nevertheless nowhere close to that of boys. This is a shame, as martial artistry can be an excellent action for youthful girls, specifically for youthful females who are at risk for reduced self-esteem and self-worth. Here are some causes as to why women can actually gain from a martial artistry education and learning.

-Less About Fighting, A lot more About Respect – Martial artistry has the reputation of becoming a violent, blood-filled activity that is more suited for grown men than sweet small ladies. Nevertheless, this could not be farther from the truth. Martial arts styles focuses on discipline and manage; most importantly, it focuses on respect for your self and other people. Women who analyze martial artistry are almost certainly a smaller amount most likely to get into a schoolyard fight with yet another girl, as they have learned that it is essential to respect their peers.

-Self-Esteem Mega-increase – A martial disciplines schooling can enhance a girl’s self-esteem in methods that the typical parent could not even start to fathom. Considering that it needs extraordinarily discipline and repetition, girls who research martial arts tend to produce pretty a strong sense of confidence in themselves and their abilities, which translates to larger self-esteem. Anyone is aware that teen ladies are, at common, at a better danger for minimal-self esteem than teenager boys. So, a martial martial arts styles education can support your daughter to steer clear of that downward spiral. In addition, by building good self-esteem at a fresh age, your daughter will be less very likely to get caught up in drugs, eating difficulties, low grades, or teen drinking.

Positive, martial artistry aren’t the magic recipe for a perfect daughter. Nonetheless, it is an amazing way to aid her acquire self-assurance, respect, and self-well worth. Children who study martial arts also usually have a tendency to have much better grades, so a martial artistry education can genuinely aid your girl out immensely as she progresses by means of her school career. So overlook your preconceived notions about this so-called “dangerous” sport and take into account enrolling your girl in martial artistry right now.

For more information about martial arts in Yorba Linda CA, please visit

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El Ni?o proved to be a devastating storm many years back, and this El Ni?o will be just as devastating. Gilbert ?El Ni?o? Melendez will make his long awaited return to the MMA world after a nine month layoff due to Zuffa?s purchase of Melendez?s former employer, Pride FC.

Melendez is set to make his Strikeforce debut on Saturday facing Tetsuji Kato at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills, CA.

In Melendez?s young, yet successful MMA career, he has compiled a perfect 12-0 record with stunning victories in Pride, including his last instant classic bout against perennial top ten fighter Tatsuya Kawajiri.

?I?m very excited,? Melendez told . ?Even though I wasn?t fighting, I didn?t take any time off. It?s like I?ve been working for free. I?ve been training so hard and helping my buddies get ready for fights. It feels good that my hard work is going to pay off.?

Many former Pride fighters have been sitting idle since Pride was sold, seeking the best opportunity possible. This Cesar Gracie trained fighter has been patient while waiting to see where his future would lead.

?I basically played the waiting game with the Pride thing,? stated Melendez. ?[I] had a lot of faith in them that it would come around and get things together and it didn?t work out.?

In the meantime, Melendez will happily fight for Strikeforce, but don?t expect to see him there for long. He understands that you can?t fight forever and at the end of the day it is about getting paid. And as everyone knows, the UFC is the MMA monopoly for exposure.

?There?s a chance I could end up anywhere,? said Melendez about a possible deal with the UFC. ?It?s a sport and I fight for the love, but it?s also a business and I?m trying to make a career out of it and a life out of it.

?I really want to fight (Sean) Sherk. It?s a big thing for me to fight Sherk. Maybe I could talk to Dana White or he could give me that call when that time comes and we?ll see what happens.?

However, Melendez knows that he has to take things step by step, even if he is fighting a lesser opponent. Especially given the string of upsets this past year in MMA, and most recently at UFC 76 where upsets were the norm. Don?t expect for Melendez to fall victim to what others have experienced.

?I get extra motivated because I hear people say ?oh, you?re going to walk through this guy? which I never, ever think that,? said Melendez about his opponent. ?I need to make sure that I don?t think that, that I don?t underestimate him.?

The storm is coming and is about to come down on Kato.

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When it comes to learning the ancient art of taijiquan, many people are doing things the wrong way. It is easy to get things the wrong way, for this world wants to push at us until we push back. This sets a standard which this article will attempt to rectify.

The first lesson to be learned, when one begins instruction in an internal art like Tai Chi Chuan, is to be empty. This doesn’t mean to let your body go limp, but rather to be relaxed. If one is relaxed, then one is forsaking the muscular system, and this will leave space for an appreciation of their energy system.

Don’t manifest energy, as in using your muscles, rather, learn to forsake muscular contraction and accept the sensations of the world. If one is manifesting, if one is putting energy forth, then sensation coming in is unable to get through the energy going out. If one is walking around all day and manifesting energy, also called chi power, then at the very least perceptions will be slanted and out of true.

As the body ceases to push forth energy, the student will begin to grow an appreciation for the space of his body. This is an actual ‘universe’ wherein the student ceases to use his physical perceptions and instead uses awareness to see all the nooks and crannies, the never ending space, inside his body. Successful in this, the student will become aware that there is energy in the he has to do is relax and let his chi grow.

It can be frustrating when one first starts doing this, the energy evolving in the body will evade the student’s attempts to grow it. The student will have to come to the realization that the harder he tries, the harder it is to make chi. And, he will come to an understanding that the less physical energy he uses, the more chi power he will have.

When it first manifests, the energy will be like a huge wave, like water sloshing back and forth in a hot tub. The real reason for the form, and for the body, will become easy to see. The body makes energy, it is like a big old battery, and the form is a method for making that battery work.

With attention to detail, raw energy will become refined chi energy, able to be put into technique as necessary, and the student will become a superior martial artist. The student will see that such things as kung fu forms are a way to discipline oneself mentally to flow the chi power as he desires. At this stage in the martial artists development, the flood gates are wide open, and the student will move on to ever greater experiences.

To conclude, there are several steps from beginner to advanced Tai Chi Chuan. If one can relax and let the body evolve into emptiness, tai chi chuan instruction becomes a catalyst to transform a human being into a highly evolved spiritual being.

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The main reason most people drop out of the martial arts — besides life taking them in different directions — is because they didn’t take the time to do any research and found out later the studio they joined wasn’t what they expected.

The time you invest researching studios will pay you back a thousand fold. It will also help you find the right studio for you. You’ll be more enthusiastic about your training and you’ll get more out of it.

Here are eight consumer tips to help you make a more informed decision before starting at any martial arts studio:

1. Belt Rank Isn’t Everything. Just because an instructor is a high ranking black belt doesn’t automatically mean they’re a good instructor. What’s important is if they can help you reach your goals and teach you what you want to learn.

2. Size of Studio. Quality of instruction can vary from studio to studio no matter its size or what they teach. A larger studio may have more convenient hours, but may not offer you the personalized instruction you’re looking for that a smaller studio may provide.

3. Watch a Class. Don’t overlook this step. This will tell you more about the studio than anything – especially when you show up unannounced. Most public studios welcome walk-ins.

4. Visit Several Studios. Just because a studio is close, doesn’t make it the best place for you train. Wouldn’t you rather train at a place Five or ten minutes further away if it better matched your needs? Visit at least three places before deciding just to be sure.

5. Talk to Students. Students will tell all. They will tell you what to expect and why they decided to train there. This may help you make a better, more informed appraisal of the studio and its instructors.

6. Read the Fine Print. Not all studios require a contract, but if they do, pay particular attention to the terms of any contract and make sure you fully understand your rights before signing on the dotted line.

7. Ask Questions. Don’t be worried that you will offend the instructor because you look for clarification. If an instructor or studio owner doesn’t answer your questions to your satisfaction, then maybe you should move on to the next studio.

8. Try Before You Buy. If the studio you’re interested in offers a trial program, it is recommended you take it. This will tell you a lot about how you will be taught and what you can expect from the studio.

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The UFC’s lightweight division has certainly had it’s ups and downs over the past year. With two positive tests for steroids and BJ Penn re-entering the fold, it’s time to re-evaluate the rankings in the UFC lightweight division.

Lightweights in the UFC are considered to be up to 155lbs, but most of the guys in this list walk around at well over 155lbs. Sean Sherk and BJ Pen have both competed successfully at higher weights and former Ultimate Fighters Joe Stevenson and Kenny Florian have come down to be at 155. Let’s not waste any time and get to the list.

6. Roger Huerta was virtually unknown to UFC fans just a year ago, but with 5 consecutive wins added in that time (to put his total to 15 in a row) and a sports illustrated cover have made Huerta a household name and fight fan favorite. I first started taking notice of Huerta with his decision victory over Leonard Garcia at UFC 69. Huerta seemed to have endless cardio in that fight and has had added two more impressive victories since then. One against Douglas Evans and one against a very tough Alberto Crane. Huerta doesn’t quite make my top 5, but he certainly deserves special mention and a #6 placement.

5. Din Thomas holds wins over Matt Serra and Jens Pulver. That alone is not enough to move Din into the top 5, however his performances since the finale of the Ultimate Fighter season 4 are. Din has defeated Rich Clementi, Clay Guida and Jeremy Stephens and with those three victories over tough condition I give Din a #5 rating. I think Din is a tough match for anyone at 155.

4 Kenny Florian has one of the worst nicknames in martial arts “KenFlo”, but that shouldn’t be held against him. He was won 5 of his last six, most of them seemingly with little effort. He did loose in the lightweight title bout with Sean Sherk, but not before opening up a stomach turning cut on Sherk and giving “The muscle Shark” a good battle.

3. Joe Stevenson has won 13 of his last 14 fights, including victories over Melvin Guillard, Yves Edwards and Kurt Pellegrino. Ususally that puts Joe right in the mix at 155 and I expect him to get a title shot very soon.

2 Sean Sherk has rolled over all the competition he has faced since he moved to 155. He’s easily out pointed Kenny Florian and Hermes Franca and is well deserving of the #2 spot. I think a couple of guys could give Sean a run, but with Seans strength and conditioning it will be tough to defeat “The muscle Shark”.

1. BJ Penn has exactly one fight at lightweight in the last four years, so why is he considered #1 on my list? Simply because BJ Penn is the best lightweight fighter on the planet. BJ Penn has fought the very best at 155 and 170 and held his own with all of them. He is 1-1 in his fights with long time welterweight champion Matt Hughes and very nearly defeated the future at that weight, Georges St Pierre. He holds a win over Jens Pulver and Din Thomas. Sean Sherk (who is at #2) has lost badly to both Hughes and St Pierre and in my mind that puts BJ at a completely different level. Until Takanori Gomi comes to the UFC BJ Penn holds the top spot on my list of 155 lb fighters.

Many will disagree with my list, after all it is missing Hermes Franca, Manny Gamburyan, Spencer Fisher and others. No top 5 list is complete, or entirely without flaws. This is mine, for what it’s worth. Of course when Spencer, Manny or Hermes defeat one of the others on my list I’ll be happy to move them into the top 5.